Enhance Training to Support Change
How to support cultural change when the initial request is for employee training?
Appreciative Questions to Resolve Conflict
How to encourage the valuing of different perspectives and contributions in a positive way?
Generative Questions to Review Values, Success, Vision
How to encourage the valuing of many different perspectives in determining a team vision?
Creating More Teamwork
How to create more interdependent work within a team (e.g., handoffs, expectations of help)?
Staff Engagement Model
How to provide feedback to science leaders that don’t know when to allow for more autonomous staff behavior?
Building Commitment to Learning
How to build commitment for peer learning at the onset to training?
Signals for Readiness to Resolve Conflict
How might we know when conflicting parties are ready to engage with each other productively?
Pitfalls of Transition
How might we help leaders assess their feelings and readiness for planned transitions?
Management Alignment
How to help management become aligned in a non-defensive way to focus on an expanding employee conflict in the workplace?
Image Exchange
How to create a unifying approach for divisions with differing visions yet needing to work interdependently on collateral tasks?
Delphi Technique
How can an inter-agency dispute become a generative conversation based on iterative feedback?
Outsider Review
How can politicians (or their staff) provide the impetus for public sector change?
Johari Window
How might you structure 360° feedback to clarify at a glance, what is already known, what more might be disclosed and what might signal further reflection?