Logistic Planning Exercise
How to develop a collaborative, detailed and coordinated change-implementation plan?
Business Case Analysis
How to use a union-management task force to make a business case for change?
Data-based Career Decisions
How to help someone clarify their commitment to the work they are doing?
Measures of Dialogic Coaching
What are some of the outcomes we might anticipate from dialogic coaching?
Introducing a Mentoring Program
What might be one way to introduce mentoring into an organization?
Job Transition Coaching, Part 2
How to help a leader understand their unproductive patterns that may keep them stuck?
Job Transition Coaching, Part 1
How to help a manager decide if their current position is right for them?
Graphing Survey Consensus
How to display consensus from survey data in a quick and easy way?
Fair Hiring Decisions
How to improve a team’s consensus process while solving a concrete problem?
Building Team Consensus
How to improve a team’s consensus process while solving a concrete problem?
Initial 360° Feedback Agenda
How to initiate coaching with a client that has just received their first 360° feedback results?
Meta-goals for Reconciliation
What are the goals of a reconciliation facilitator when mediating an interpersonal conflict?
Role Negotiation
How to help develop the roles and responsibilities within a senior management team?
Merging Individual & Systemic Goals
How can you demonstrate the interaction between what individuals want and what the system requires?
Surveying Resistance
How can you surface resistance to change in an authentic and experiential way?
Encouraging Forgiveness and Reconciliation
How can you help folks that are in conflict get beyond blame to reconciliation?
Clarifying Board/Staff Authority
How can you reduce role conflicts between a Board of Directors and a senior leadership team?